AnkleAid Launches August 08 2013

Who knew that a series of ankle injuries could end up being so … satisfying? OK, admittedly, it’d be better if we hadn’t gone through them, but necessity is the mother of invention and its latest baby is none other than the AnkleAid.

What began as a series of buckets, hacked to bits shoes and the idea that healing an ankle injury shouldn’t hurt your toes and give you brain freeze, has now resulted in the first water submersion device designed specifically for ankle and foot therapy.

We’re incredibly excited about what this can mean for serious athletes, weekend warriors, outdoor enthusiasts and pretty much anyone with at least one ankle. Gone are antiquated treatments such as ice buckets and bags of frozen vegetables, now replaced by sitting comfortably as your ankle receives the treatment it needs to heal quickly.

It is our sincere hope that you never need our product, but just in case you do, we know you’ll love it as much as we do.

-The AnkleAid Team