AnkleAid Kiosk Display
Partner with us to bring AnkleAid directly to your patients and customers. It is perfect for waiting rooms, PT centers, rehab areas, and offices.
The display comes with 12 AnkleAids that stack perfectly and showcase the product. The cost is $359 (plus shipping). This is a 50% savings from the retail price!
You can set your own price to resell the AnkleAids to your patients or customers. We do, however, provide you with pre-printed price point stickers to adhere to the header of the display. They are set at $45, $50, $55, $60, and $65.
Dimensions of the Display: 45" tall (60" tall with the header card) x 10" wide x 18" deep.
Dimensions of an AnkleAid: 9.25" tall x 9.5" wide x 17" length
For ordering information, please contact: